Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Community Health Network Ct Reviews

Women are heroes

Portraits giants in women plastered the streets of a favela in Rio. For his first film, the photographer JR has seen the big picture. Through his photographs, he wanted to talk about women who suffer but resist the violence of men. From South America to Africa through Asia, he went to meet them, recording their personal history and their common struggle. Then with the help of the people, he spread their portraits in the cities encountered. The initiative is all the more salutary and original for once, the creation is common and involves people directly concerned.

Visually, JR delivers an impressive film. Walking the streets of the favela with his camera, he walks around in every corner with a stunning agility. Escapes from this moment of pure virtuosity, women marched under its target. Not pessimistic, the benevolent gaze, the artist gives their doors feature an optimistic tone. Despite the ordeals they are fighting against all odds. This rage is rapidly contaminating the heart of the viewer.

But the film has the defect of his qualities. His invention is a plastic bit over substance. The portraits, too many are not sufficiently researched. This effect "zapping" somewhat mitigates the force of the message that unnecessary epilogue Parisian promotional door is completely at odds. But one picture is worth moving to see this curious and unique object that: in an African village, a train slowly scrolls through the eyes of all these women. A moving tribute to their right to exist, finally.


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