Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Holes Too Big For License Plate

Jewish Connection / Women on the 6th floor

Jesse Eisenberg is the actor who rises. Oscar nomination for The Social Network , the young actor portrays an Orthodox Jew whose destiny seems mapped out: take the store from his father, becoming a rabbi and married to the girl that he has promised. But he denies that destiny imposed and was offered the transportation of ecstasy pills in the Netherlands. Sensitive to this easy money, it will quickly become the mastermind of a vast network that will sell up to one million pills before their "mules" come to be arrested at the airport.

Jewish Connection was inspired by a true story that took place in the late 90s. For his feature debut, director Kevin Asch used it to tell a bildungsroman. The hero is torn between his faith and discipline of religion. For simplicity, it will gradually get rid of his imprisonment and home and confront the drug world. Emancipation amoral as the filmmaker with films without copying outrageously sober its illustrious models. We think a lot about Scorsese, James Gray also for the detailed description of this family with Jewish rituals and dogmas. If the detective story is not sufficiently addressed and if the voltage and commitment are lacking, the parent part is by far the most successful. Although it's hard to imagine that traffickers have managed to coax their "mules" as easily into thinking it was just drugs, Jewish Connection is a film atmospheric and beautifully photographed taking enough confirming the expectations brought by Jesse Eisenberg.

Women from the 6th floor of Philippe Le Guay is a delightful film. Without irony, that's the best adjective to encourage spectators to come and witness the transformation Fabrice Luchini, stockbroker rigorous and austere, with libertarian proponent of good English.

The action takes place in early 60 years in Gaullist France roaring and ossified. Philippe Le Guay talks about what he knows and some details are not deceiving. The importance of cooking the egg cock Sir, time use "exhausting" Madame, filmmaker pin kindly fixed a bourgeoisie in its traditions. The prettiness of the sets and costumes combine to create an old-fashioned atmosphere that will put the English upside down.

The filmmaker has made a bright tale best by avoiding stereotypes and caricatures. He mentions immigration, women's place in society with a positivism that is rapidly gaining the viewer's heart. He could easily fall into the folk or the sordid but the conviction actresses Iberian prevent the film from falling into these pitfalls. Carmen Maura, imperial, Natalia Verbeke, charming newcomer, they provide sweet madness which balances borrowed courtesy of Fabrice Luchini. The actor, in reserve, given its small music and all the marriage with Sandrine Kiberlain gives some well-chosen sequences. But after the English land, the film hits the rocks formatting consensual. Not a referral error, not a revolution not just disturb a scenario without any surprises. It is the quality and the failure of the film, we have offered a pleasant, lightweight entertainment will not leave permanent scars in our cinematic memory.

Pattycake Free Movies

bella gente

The generosity can turn against you. Such is the moral of La bella gente , the second feature from Italian Ivano de Matteo, unpublished in his country. A couple of Roman intellectuals, Susanna and Alfredo, comes to spend the holidays in their home country. One day, Susanna sees a young prostitute being abused by a man at the roadside. Shocked, she convinces her husband to collect from them. But the appearance of the girl will disrupt family life to the point of bullying the ideals of Susanna.

On the same theme, the foreigner that is accepted before it becomes a threat, Anne Le Ny had done a comedy in acid and cruel Guests my father. Ivano de Matteo has opted for a more dramatic treatment of the case. Under the scorching heat of this small village in southern Italy, he filmed a family of ailments fifties seemingly harmonious and peaceful, loving "as thirty years ago" . Impulsivity Susanna, his sudden desire to save the young prostitute went certainly a good intention. But the filmmaker's subtly drift as the problems caused by the presence of this girl accumulate. For the prostitute has the misfortune to break his strict framework of silent victim by emancipating with the son of the family played by Elio Germano (Best Actress Award at Cannes for La Nostra Vita ). The hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie to moral reproach became public. Family stability falters, the certainties collapse and human nature reasserts itself. Ivano Matteao of this shift shows very precisely predictable but interesting to watch. For the girl becomes the victim of all these "good people" , a victim of jealousy, cowardice and human cowardice.

The trait is sometimes supported on a bit stereotypical secondary characters (the couple of friends uneducated and vulgar, the beautiful girl jealous, son immature) but the tension builds until the final crescendo expected and inevitable. We could blame the filmmaker to take sides openly to condemn the victim and the couple briefly, first Susanna. But the modesty of the staging would have imagined that more incisive is in fact the subject and gently accompanies this false benevolence that hides beneath less noble, where the most innocuous gestures have a dramatic impact. Boasting a remarkable interpretation (including Monica Guerritore) La bella gente , despite its few flaws (nothing is known of this young girl), deserves to be surreptitiously slipping the heart of a malaise becoming more pervasive.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Romantic Phrases To Say In Hebrew


25 years later, he still wants Serge Fuck the beautiful Whitney?
; ; ;

It is fashionable to find all the qualities to the deceased, where we commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the disappearance of Serge Gainsbourg, who was booed during his lifetime, but also insulted revered as any star who respects himself. With death, the artist becomes untouchable, I will return to typical cases and Dalida Cloclo ... But the painter and poet cursed is a myth, an icon ...
Obviously, we can not compare to anyone Gainsbourg, unique, even if few or no heirs to claim it (Biolay, Murat ..) But in the concert of praise heard everywhere this week, I still thought that we forgive him very easily anecdotes, not very bad though ... His melodies
I was never thrilled and bizarrely successful ones I thought were borrowed from the classics: Chopin, Liszt, Brahms ... ( Lemon Incest, Babe alone in Babylone Jane B ...) it are many texts on the compounds of subtle puns, but there were others a little light ( Ami Caouette makes me head, peanuts ...) and for the beautiful Sacha Distel losing speed in 1981 the unforgettable "We are not frogs" , Sacha was a gift, he who at the end of his life around proudly proclaimed that his last album was produced by the same producer of alloy ... I think Serge's fun anyway, as he had to laugh through pacifiers in the mouths of the innocent France Gall ...
But often, it was still a big nag, as pointed out aptly Desproges Peter, "it became rather pathetic and it was Drucker / Sabatier / Foucault was to blame for inviting an alcoholic" because they benefited largely, on the other hand Drucker so nice by inviting her to sit alongside Whitney Houston could not ignore it slip that he and his only story it tells ... for 25 years giggling falsely General ... ... Shame on Drucker
Michel Denisot prompt emission in the 1986 Zenith , then I think the skid with Catherine Ringer was not expected, because that night was not too Gainsbarre started. Pay tribute to the coolness of Ringer which was still a little upset when the great poet has treated whore, a slut ... Le Beau Serge was lucky to already be untouchable because I was Chichin Fred, I think "two slaps in the face" he had promised Catherine the Great, I would have put his head on a drunkard, y 'limits anyway, those gods who think any permit (the recent episode of Galliano proves it yet) ...
I also wonder that Charlotte's daughter is a bit overrated too, if she dies the screen really started ( adorable cheeky ) its past performance to the movies are far from successful (the horrible Antichrist ) but one that is the darling of Bobos completely ignores the road with his music, except for 2 or 3 tracks, the whole is boring, pretentious and failed I think ... And on stage, when there was bad for her , so it is not made for that, Petrified jitters, you feel no discomfort and is locked into ever ...

Doctor's order's : Gainsbourg Forever for twenty years and probably for a long time but Charlotte Forever , no, Charlotte occasionally rather ... And Jane Birkin, who lived more than ten years with the who handled so well the French language, still do not know they say not ONE A basket and basket, that is well worth it ...