We left Merida for a output option but absolutely do: output to Celestun! Initially, as an aperitif, we stop a few times and in Uman, the time to survey the local market, colorful. Part in the open air (including fish ...), a party in a covered stop this market, nestled in a small town is very typical of this province. This is real life people. Tourists or not, anyway, they will continue their day. It wanders almost anonymous ... it's very nice!

After another bus ride, we therefore arrive at Celestun, home to a very large reserve of birds of all kinds and especially flamingos! We arrive near the beach, where we eat elsewhere after the boat ride. Our boats are small, fast. At a rate of eight per boat, we enjoy the ride of several hours under a blazing sun, but the sea air and speed make the difference. Several stops and starts with a bang, and then finally come the famous flamingos!

After this meal composed entirely of fish and other marine species (and white wine ... Mexican) we take our trusty bus, driven by our loyal Santiago for our last night in Merida, which will again be placed under the sign of Exit night and happy hour or a cocktail bought one free! In short, a wonderful new day at the pace a bit calmer than the previous ones, which is not so bad, especially since the first part of the stay will soon be coming to an end tomorrow it's Chichen Itza which is program!

PS: this is the 140th message on our blog!
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