Day 4 - Agaves, aloes, agaves ...
This fourth day will be permanently placed under the sign of the agave, the cactus famous is the indispensable ingredient of Tequila and Mezcal also (the two main local spirits) but allows for the sisal. Leaving Merida we move towards a real hacienda (abandoned in the '60s and taken over by a German in the 80s) which is located about an hour's drive.
The place is beautifully restored and maintained and the place is full of discoveries! Visit the large property, plant manufacturing sisal, full monitoring of the production chain and its many machines of a bygone age ... Once we embark on two species of rail carts drawn by donkeys. We discover the rest of the property and acres of agave (there are 300 hectares).
halfway to our goal, we make a stop in front of a traditional Mayan cabin (there are still many villages in the countryside). A mini-papi welcomes us to the most friendly of ways. It begins by explaining that he worked in the hacienda in his younger days and he had returned to its reopening in the 80s. Very talkative, he explains the refinements of the hammock (made in sisal) and a bunch of Mayan customs. Moreover, he expressed himself in a Melag of Mayan and English, not always easy to understand, even for our guide who has lived 10 years in Mexico!
After this stop pleasing, we left through fields of agave for the last stop of the morning : The cenote. To make fast, the cenote is an underground area (or sometimes air) which means a rising water table. The cenote located on the lands of the hacienda was about ten meters below ground and did not exceed 5-7 meters deep. The water is of clarity and softness. (Alexandra took the photo above, but do not worry, she then joined me!)
After all these emotions back to the entrance of the hacienda and especially the restaurant area where we will served a meal of high caliber. Everyone has the impression that the more the stay advance over the level of benefits increases! On the way back we stopped in a small village, walk a little back up in a small house (brick that one ...) with, inside, a pell Post-mell Justin Bieber, wrestlers, religious images, the Jonas Brothers ... Outside, the whole family is at work and weaves hammocks, sombreros, panama ... Obviously, it's time to checkout! Bonus: a presentation of a book adapting the positions of the ancient Kama Sutra sauce hammock!
Back in Merida, direction downtown for a fast discovery (and finding a distributor for tickets!) And a little shopping. Back to the hotel for dinner very rich and very lively: supergroup + + long tables traditional dances! Time management and digested downtown again, and night! Many streets are now reserved for pedestrians, especially since it's the party tonight, a concert (a little bof but there was the atmosphere) attracts a lot of people outside.
The night is sweet, too sweet: it must to drink! We follow the advice of the guide and we stop at the terrace of a bar ... We order cocktails and hop EPs, the party is immediately more crazy! At the beginning we are 6, we draw other members of our group and, hence, others are Mexican garnish terrace empty when we arrived! We delirium well with the server and the kind of singer who "animates" the terrace being forced to sing us a bit of cucarcacha! Nice server brings a dozen sombreros to take pictures! Another great night that ends late in the sweetness of Merida!
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