Both prevent the curious, this message does not contain intimate details of that wedding night!
In this message we'll return to that other great classic marriage: wedding night. Well, now, when we leave the party in the middle of the night to go back around 11:30, as saying that if that time passes too quickly, too. However, we did not just go home, even if we could have done as well as Gravenchon view is not that far Villequier, which was our room.
few months before the wedding so we were left in search of the place where they might arise between the two holidays. Indeed, we quickly found a bed that was on the side of the Mailleraye-sur-Seine, a village located 10m after the bridge Brotonne itself located within 10m of the room. Just arrived, we wanted ... and we got it!

After the wedding, after the party, we arrived a little after 5:00 am at the lodge, not even tired ... Finally a bit! Before take off our clothes and groom (and the 73 pins needed to hold the hair of married!) we take the time to do a few more pictures ... quickly get there!

After showering, returning again to the realities of real life: Alexandra discovers that thatched roofs and wooden beams well it attracts the spiders! One, two, three ... a lot! It's for sure, if she had noticed during the visit, we would not have taken this house! This will not prevent manual (good) sleep a few hours and then finally Alexandra too, but only one eye, where the critters decide to eat big!
That did not turn out well of course and we finally left the whole house which, despite the presence of some spiders, was great!
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