Friday, January 1, 2010

How To Sew Fringe In Your Hair Weave

How to refuse to eat a dish that you hate,

... to a meal where we are invited, where we have nothing to say, where we do not necessarily Ouroulbouloucks who invited us, when we are there because it is the parents who decide ouroulbouloucks and we are still small:

Material to hide in a pocket before you go:
- An air of desperation.
- A roll of tape.
- A polite attitude.
- A box of paint.

While large Ouroulbouloucks moved to table and drink apérotif:
- Sit in his place.
- Glue paper over his mouth.
- Paint the paper stuck to his lips the same color as her cheeks.
- Turn the air of desperation in her eyes.
- Show her attitude very polite.
At one time or another, Adults will see the absence of mouth. Soon they will tell you to go to bed because it is the only way to cure a lack of mouth.
- leave the table without rushing.
- Make a little hello, and at the end of a show.
- Exit.
- Close the door behind you.
Then do what you want. Ouroulboulouks eat when they think of nothing else and will never check if children mouth without sleep in their bedroom.

Almanac ouroulboulouck
, Claude Ponti (School Recreation 2007)


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